Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Throw another shrimp on the barbie mate

We've just spent 5 nights with our friends Suze and Ben in Surfers Paradise which was lovely and relaxing after weeks of hostels. Suze and Ben have found an amazing apartment; about a minute’ walk from the beach with its own indoor and outdoor pools, sauna and jacuzzi. This was definitely paradise for the backpacking bogans.

The first night we arrived the three of us were pretty tired so just napped and watched Harry Potter, ‘Chamber of Secrets’- timeless classic. The next day we were eager to get in the pool but the weather wasn't too great so we mainly slothed about, enjoyed the indoor pool and booked some bar crawl tickets for that night. For some reason we couldn't convince Ben to come out with four girls but we did involve him by nipping back to the apartment about four times to get more drinks and play UNO after having our free drink at each bar. We also had the pleasure of going to a bar afterwards and watching Wales BEAT England in the rugby.

The weather cleared up a bit the next day so we had another lazy day by the pool....

But the bogans had a mission; they wanted to throw another shrimp on the barbie.  This was made possible in Surfers as we had plenty of time to make use of the outdoor BBQs by the beach. Loaded with shrimps we headed down and had a whale of a time each taking it in turns to ‘throw another shrimp on the barbie’. It was such a nice evening and we all loved the BBQ on the beach novelty, especially as they were so easy to use so we didn't have to mess around lighting the charcoal. We then went home and being massive party animals we played UNO for the rest of the night.

The next day the temperature had picked up even more so we attempted a day at the beach; it was really pretty down there but we were all so hot from the humidity that we soon ended up back at the pool. Suze, Luce and I are now professional synchronized swimmers complete with our own unique routine.

We decided it was time for another night out but this was maybe not such a success as the first. Suze was hammered and fell asleep in the toilets and I smacked my head on a TV resulting in a dent the size of the Grand Canyon in my forehead. Luckily this went down and was replaced by a golf ball but we didn't stay out for much longer.

It was soon our last day at Surfers so we decided to go bowling in the evening (I made sure that I lost so that the others would feel better).

Today we said our sad goodbye to Suze with a big thank you for putting up with us and our MESS for the last few days. One bogan down we have now made our way to Brisbane.

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